Imagine Freedom: Art Works for Abolition

Days Left
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Critical Resistance is enthusiastic to invite you to engage with Imagine Freedom: Art Works for Abolition, an online fundraising exhibition and art auction presented by Critical Resistance + from September 29 - October 13, 2020. Your donations will help make this benefit a success!
We are excited to have confirmed participation from a myriad of intergenerational, interdisciplinary visual artists including Theaster Gates, Sadie Barnett, Lava Thomas, Emory Douglas, and Ferrari Sheppard, to name a few. Through Imagine Freedom: Art Works for Abolition¸ Critical Resistance and these bold artists will uplift the freedom dreams that communities have nurtured for generations and are unapologetically demanding be recognized and enacted in 2020.
During the current, political, and economic uprisings and throughout the onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Critical Resistance has worked tirelessly to craft information, analysis, and references for understanding and imagining abolitionist responses to guide us toward the future we want and need. The success of this year’s art auction is crucial to our work and our ability to continue to be timely and responsive. The majority of CR’s resources continue to come from grassroots supporters who give money, time, and skills to keep our organization stable and ready to carry out campaigns, projects, political education and movement building efforts. Every gift will help CR continue to chip away at the prison industrial complex and put abolition into practice.
In tandem with the 2-week online auction, we will also be hosting some programming featuring artists, our amazing Host Committee cast, and more. We look forward to Imagining Freedom with you!