Shirley Leslie

Shirley Leslie's Fundraiser

Support the CR Portland #WriteThemAll Project image

Support the CR Portland #WriteThemAll Project

Every penny helps get essential resources to our imprisoned community members

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$7,386 towards $10,000

Critical Resistance PDX has been hosting monthly prison letter writing nights for over six years providing political education, resource connection, and empathetic and genuine support to thousands of imprisoned people in the Pacific Northwest. We are very excited to announce our new project, Write Them All!! Everyone held inside prisons deserves support, solidarity, resources, and care! To begin to address these needs, it is our plan to begin an on-going project in which we will write a letter to all 14,500 people caged in Oregon's state prisons. Can you make a donation to help us fund the gas, paper, envelopes, postage, and other resources necessary to bolster this program? Any amount helps!

If you'd also like to volunteer your time with this program, fill out this form: